We apologize for the delays in the changes that were to be taking place. Things have not worked out as planned and the volunteership has dwindled.
You are welcome to utilize the portal for your needs, as well as recommend other readers if you like, but over time we may not keep the domain name so please let your clients know the url is http://sage.21publish.com by default.
We genuinely apologize but this did not take off as anticipated and we are tentatively looking at other options of which we will keep you abreast should a major development take place.
Enjoy your season.
JULY 2006
Thankyou for your patience.
We have had a lack of continuous volunteering which has made it difficult to update the site.
Stay tuned for more information as to the direction Sagewise will be taking. There are some large opportunities coming up the pike for our advisors, which we will be emailing to them.
Peace Always
Jan 2006
We would like to welcome two new gifted advisors...
Kitana, and Moonstone01.
We are very pleased to have them with us, and they are certainly bringing the spirit of charity and giving in with them.
Feel free to check their blogs, and contact them if you are interested in a reading.
You can leave feedback for them in SAGE FEEDBACK where you can leave feedback for the sages.
Don't forget our veteran members, as they are all very gifted, and offer some very wonderful features in their blogs.
Bluedigits mixes her services with giving affordable readings, doing custom art work, and energy work, while offering fun entertainment (videos), and a Do it yourself spiritual section as well, quite worth a peek. She also includes archived feedback in her blog. Contact her to be added to her Free Friday Reiki List. Some of her EnergyFusion(c) is also without cost.
MitMystic wow'ed us with her email demonstration form. Simply wow'ed us! Very accurate! Her prices are very affordable as well, which may be of interest to you. We look forward to seeing more of her as her blog progresses, but can assure you she has insight to impart from what we have experienced of her. Email her and see what she has to offer to you.
Her pricing structure is listed on her blog.
Gifted George is a sensational reader. We don't have alot to say other than this. Of course, all of the sages here are talented, but there are a few that really took us aback with their detail. Check his pricing structure through the link in his blog to his website for details, and see if it fits your budget. one thing is for sure, if you can't afford him now, it would be worth it to keep him in mind for when you can.
And leave feedback in SageFeedback!
This is of course just to name a few... Be sure to check out all of the blogs, at your leisure. Some are simple, and others are extremely creative, giving a clue into the personality of the reader.
Always follow your heart when choosing a reader. Your heart will lead you to the right one for you.
Some like to try out different readers occasionally.
Here you can rest assured that you are trying out a tested reader, as no one is in the Sagewise community that has not displayed the ability to read energy accurately.
Thankyou for stopping in.
We are a humble community for now, but have at least 90 slots left for talented sages.
If you feel you would like to join us, and recieve a free promotional blog, please feel free to email us an email demonstration using the questions in Sagetools and then register right here in the portal under sign up now.
We used to have demonstrations by phone but have opted, for the email demonstration form, as it is more convenient for everyone's schedule.
Thankyou for coming through the portal.
Articles are on the way, by those members who are active in the community.
We thank those members who cannot write any articles at this time, but were considerate enough to contact us and let us know.
Check back often.
(see below for the latest in recommended links/spirtual actions...)
www.path-ways.com/forums/ ( really an excellent experience)
http://purple.forumwise.com (The new forum-Check it out. It has free reading rooms)